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Leadership Training Series (video): Episode 9 of 21 - Authentic Passion (part 5 of 7)

Updated: Apr 24

Learn how to turn "lip service" passion into "authentic passion" at your nonprofit in order to create a "Get it Done!" do something, I'm in, culture. Specifically, this video covers the tactic of "reminding" people of the authentic passion principle they worked so hard to establish.

Intended Audience:

Executives, Board Members, Staff.

About the Series:

Welcome to my Nonprofit Leadership series "How to Build a Gold Standard Nonprofit."

Whether you're a seasoned executive director, or new to the nonprofit world, this video series of 21 videos will give you a set of tools and principles (and good reminders) that will help take your staff, board, organization, to the next level of performance and impact.

The videos are short. There is no mumbo-jumbo theory, just wise advice and practical tactics you can use and apply immediately. It all comes from though lessons I've learned while building eight nonprofits over the last 20 years.

I'll be sending out one video a week. For those who want to binge on the series, or if you missed an episode, you can find them all (and more) on my YouTube Channel -- The Nonprofit Mentor.

Save These Videos

Save these emails in a folder and send them to staff once a week. Or, show one or a two at every board meeting. You can even use them when on-boarding staff, board members, or volunteers. Enjoy and Learn!


PS: You can read more high-quality leadership content in the bestselling books below. (50% off)

by Tom Iselin

“America’s Best Board Retreat Facilitator”

Hi, Tom Iselin, here . . . and welcome to First Things First

This is Day 9 of Boot Camp—A Leadership Guide to Building a Gold Standard Nonprofit.

Today, I’m going to continue my discussion on the topic of authentic passion and share a tip on how you can keep this principle fresh in people’s minds.

Okay, let me get started by asking a couple of questions: How many of your board members can explain your vision? How many can articulate a convincing “case for support?” How many staff and volunteers can recite your mis­sion and core values?

The truth is, people learn, but then they forget. Most of us have trouble remembering anni­versaries and dentist appointments, let alone material from work and our pet nonprofits.

If you want authentic passion to remain front and center in the minds of your staff, board, and volunteers, you need to “remind” them. There is no need to make a big production out of the process; simply set aside time, on a regular basis, to talk about your mission, vision, and culture.

For example, once a month, you could ask your program director to recite your mission at a staff meeting. Your executive director could write one of your core values at the top of a board meeting agenda. And your volunteer coordi­nator could explain your vision at a volunteer training session . . . You could even discuss the topic of “culture” at your next strategic planning session to determine how well board and staff members are reflecting the culture the claim to espouse.

L>What’s most important is making an effort to REMIND people of your mission, vision, purpose, and culture on a REGULAR basis. If you don’t, the authentic passion you worked so hard to build will get dusty and stale.

Believe me, you’ll know authentic passion is alive and well at your nonprofit when you hear board members say things such as, “Will this new program align with our vi­sion?” Your office manager says, “What additional responsibilities can I take on to help with fundraising?” Or, your program director says, “Will another therapist really help fulfill our mission more effec­tively?” When you start hearing statements like this, smile----you’re on the right authentic passion track.

Well, that’s it for today. Tune in next week, when I’ll talk about how authentic passion can become a contagious virus you’ll want to spread. Until then, remember to do what’s right for your nonprofit, not what’s convenient or easy! Whooya!

Until then, remember to do what’s right for your nonprofit, not what’s convenient or easy! Whooya!

And don’t forget to write me. Ask me a question or tell me what you’d like see on the show. Until next week . . .

That’s it for today. If you enjoyed the show, . . . then like it and share it! And tune in next week for Day 5 of Boot Camp, where you’ll learn how to transform “lip-service” passion into authentic passion.

Until then, create a great day! . . . Whooya!

Tom Iselin

“America’s Best Board Retreat and Strategic Planning Facilitator”

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Tom's Books, Podcasts, and YouTube Channel

Tom Iselin has built four sector-leading nonprofits and four foundations. He’s written six books, sits on six boards, and hosts a video blog and podcast. Each year, Tom speaks to more than 5,000 nonprofit leaders at conferences across the country. He is considered America's best board retreat and strategic planning facilitator and is a leading authority on high-performance nonprofits, and his impact on the industry has been featured on CNN, Nightline, and in Newsweek.

Tom is the president of First Things First, a business specializing in board development retreats, strategic planning, fundraising, executive coaching, and speaking. To relax, he loves mountain biking, hiking, skiing, tennis, and baking.

If you’re in the hunt for the best board retreat/board development facilitation, or the best strategic planning facilitation, it would be a privilege to learn more about your organization and the aspirations you hope to achieve as you work to propel your noble mission. Jot me an email to set up a meet-and-greet call.

To learn more, visit:


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